Thursday, April 12, 2012

My First Interior Design Studio Project {The Gray's Residence}

Last winter, I had my very first interior design studio class. My first impression of this class was that I loved the textbook. Ha. Loved the don't hear that everyday. It was finally becoming real to me that I was in college studying what I'm so passionate about. 

Our project for this class was to design a home for 'The Gray's Residence', a family who didn't actually exist. Which was fine by me, because them not existing meant that I could do whatever I wanted with their house ;) And...there was no budget. I was okay with that too. 

In this class, we learned to draft floor plans and elevations. 
I remember staring at that architectural scale with complete confusion...and feeling so accomplished when I finally completed this project. I have pictures of the floor plans that I drafted somewhere, but I'll have to show those in a later post! 

Here are the designs I came up with for three of the rooms:

The above photos were arranged on a powerpoint and turned in when I applied to the interior design major last spring, but for the class we created an actual color board for our final presentation:

So there you have it! The Gray's Residence...complete. I think if they existed, they would have really enjoyed it.

Pssst. Did you see the post where I showed my second studio projectIf you missed it, click here to see it! The second one was the most rewarding, challenging, and time extensive project I've had so far. But from what I've seen from the seniors this year, this was a piece of cake compared to what I have coming for me next year. But I'm looking forward to it regardless and will be sure to show you when I get there!


Tiffany Leigh {thedesignerlifestyle} said...

Hey girl, this may be a silly question, haha, but what kind of board do you use behind the writing and images to make them raised off the colour board?

Amanda said...

I just stumbled upon your blog, and love it!! New follower here and happy to read and see more of your beautiful designs!

xo, Amanda

Jillian said...

Your post reminded me SO much of my experiences in Design school!! great first definitely have a bright future ahead of you!!

~ Jillian

Maria M. said...

Courtney, I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award this morning on my site! - I love your blog and visit it daily!

Me, Ed and Pea said...

Looks great! I would be totally overwhelmed by a project like that haha - that's why people like me need designers like you!

Michaela said...

Oh! I love your design so much. I've never seen it! The rug for the living room is awesome. I LOVED this project. I wanted to live in my little house!

Maria @ Orchard Bloom said...

Nice design! I've never taken kind of design class but i'd love to.

Anonymous said...

This is such a beautiful blog and it really inspires me!:) Would you like to follow each other?

Unknown said...

These designs are awesome!

Jadyn @ Dutch.British.Love said...

I am sure the Gray's would have loved this, if they existed! Can't wait to see more of your work!

Limestone by the Sea - Victoria said...

Lovely pictures!

Chelsea Olivia said...

You have great taste girl! Love everything you put in the Grey's house ;)

Unknown said...

You have such a beautiful blog. I am in awe of all these beautiful posts. I am a new follower to your blog and I can't wait to follow along in the future.