Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Story of An Interior Design Student

I've always loved houses. That's nothing new. But when I think about it, there really are so many things I did when I was younger that revolved around houses. 

I used a landscaping software on my mom's computer and tried to replicate the exterior of my house (but I had no idea how to use it so it was pretty lame looking). 

I played a video game called Animal Crossing mostly to decorate my house in it. I even collected all of the green themed match my real life room at the time! Ha.

I played Beetle Adventure Racing on my Nintendo 64, and while I liked racing, sometimes I just liked to pretend I was a mom who was driving her kids home...and I'd pick what building was going to be my house. I'd even try to drive at a normal speed limit instead of 100 mph, to pretend like I was in a real neighborhood. True confessions = I was am a nerd.

Martha Stewart
I was obsessed with a massive blue house in my childhood neighborhood. I even had my picture taken in front of it (I'll post it someday when I find it! Ha). I called it...The Blue House. Creative right? One of the highlights of my life at that time was when I was told that there was a Christmas Home Tour...OF THAT HOUSE. I died. I got to walk through it and admire the inside of the house I was so in love with.

I decorated my (real life) bedrooms with care...complete with a bed area, reading area, and music area. I even had plans/hopes of making the crawl space in my closet a bean bag LOUNGE. I probably didn't call it a bean bag lounge at the time has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

Then, I discovered The Sims. And The Sims 2. And The Sims 2 Pets. And The Sims 3. I would take a few minutes to make people, but then mostly just design their houses. It was thee coolest thing EVER. Slash still is. I even found out how to cheat and give my Sims unlimited money, so they could have the best houses ever. Wouldn't that be nice to have in real life?

And now, here I am, a junior in college majoring in interior design. Doing CAD drawings, making color boards, learning SO much and being surrounded by people who share my passion for interior design. You guys, it's the best. 


Michaela said...

We were so similar when we were little! I love how what you did when you were little translated into today. Sims 3 is such a dangerous thing for me...I would spend hours on it instead of homework so I uninstalled it self control right here. I'd only do the houses, too. Amazing. PS. Let's write a post on lighting...specifically the bulbs only. K perfect :)

jessica said...

I'm so glad to know that there is someone else out there that played the Sims just for the houses. I did the cheat with unlimited money and would literally spend hours and hours designing the house and everything. I love how you were able to take that and translate it into your life now, that is so awesome!

Nicole said...

A years ago I wanted to major in interior design. I've thought of going health care interior design since my major is Physician Assistant. I never own any programs but I have gone online (for fun) and created little homes. I actually did them all because I was bored lol. Good luck with your career girly.

Diane Streicher @ Diane Again said...

I used to make awesome homes for my Barbies using wooden blocks, Kleenex and other weird things, just play with the colors and shapes. My fav color combo: purple and orange.

And I drew floor plans by the kagillions, first of my own home, then of friends' houses, and eventually my dream houses. It was all just pencil and paper but I knew a little tiny bit about how to draw a blueprint so I felt very legit. So old school. So much fun.

Elle Sees said...

how cool for you! i love to virtually decorate my house...currently in a wee apt

Jadyn @ Dutch.British.Love said...

So fun to hear about how young your obsession with houses started. The Nintendo story made me laugh. Looking back at my life, I can see it not only in what I was obsessed with, but my frustrations too. One of my deepest frustrations was that my parents wouldn't let me paint my room. It was yellow and for years and years after I left my parents house I couldn't stand yellow b/c I'd been stuck with it for too long. Such a relief to be a grown-up and paint walls and whatever else whenever I want! :)

Jen said...

I must have the white picket fence with boxwoods in front of my house..LOVE IT! You post the most inspiring photos!!

Also, I was honored with the Liebster Blog Award a few days ago and am excited to pass it on to you! Head over to Thursday 1/26 to check out the details! Have a great day!

Jen Migonis said...

I am drooling over those houses. Oh. My. Goodness. Courtney, I was one of the fellow Liebster Blog Award winners over at Jen's today and found you thru that. i'm your newest follower and would love if you would come over to and check out my blog.

sarah said...

That is so awesome that you held onto your childhood dreams and are going forward with them. Too cool.

Jillian {Her Split Ends} said...

Hey lady! Its Jillian from over at Her Split Ends. Great post...and small world...i'm actually an interior designer in Atlanta! I work at a commercial architecture firm these days. Good luck with school and let me know if there is anything i can do for ya!


Anonymous said...

I'm extremely impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your blog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Anyway keep up the nice quality writing, it is rare to see a great blog like this one nowadays..
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Seorus said...

They are all so pretty, so hard to pick.If lux and feminine is your taste, they have many stunning options for adorning yourself

Anonymous said...

It's great to find another interior design student in the blogosphere. And what a great story.

ps. Somehow I never really got into Sims.

Nick Chan said...

Interior design FOR THE WIN! I am an Interior Design student too, from Malaysia and I think we have thing in similar, that's to design the house in THE SIMS instead of doing the quest. Haha. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I’m always looking for more inspiration for my journey to being much better at interior design,thank you!

Unknown said...

Nice post, your insights are very impressive and helpful. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!
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Unknown said...

It was really funny to read about your journey! I'm an interior design student as well, from Israel, and my passion started at an early age, revolved in the beginning around all kinds of games. I even made a barbie doll house!
In any case thank you for posting your story! I feel like we are very similar minded :)
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