Sunday, July 8, 2012

New Bedroom Inspiration

I've been working on a design plan for my new bedroom for a couple of weeks now. My previous room was painted a pretty medium gray color, and while I loved it, I decided to have my new room be a little more fresh. I picked out two very light blue/green colors, tried them out, and chose my favorite. I was set to go.

Until yesterday when I had another idea, completely different from my original plan. Whoops. It's funny how that can happen with design, isn't it? You can think you know exactly what you want, and then you think of a million other options that might be a better choice for you.

I decided instead that a creamy white wall color would be nice in my new room, especially because the room is fairly small, so that will make the space feel a bit more open. I already have white bedding that will stay, and I'm going to add some navy, pale pink, and brass/gold accents throughout the room. I know that I want my room to feel calming and feminine. And as much as possible, I'll be using pieces that I already have, repurposing things, and being creative, because there is not exactly a budget for this little endeavor :)

SO. Once I had my general idea, I decided to gather some inspiration for my color ideas and find some photos representing the way I wanted my room to feel. If it looks all over the place right now, don't worry. These are just the inspirations!

Kitty Genius

Design Seeds
White and Gold Design

This room above is getting me excited to paint my nightstand a dark gray/blue color like this and replace the wood knobs. Also, I wouldn't be mad if my walls looked like that. But alas. That would require a bigger budget, a handyman, or a girl who is good at DIY projects. And you know, none of those exist at the moment.

A Country Farmhouse
This kitchen is a great representation of how I want my new room to feel. Feminine, light, airy, but still warm and welcoming. I love the look of the white, blue, gold, and pale pink together. And incorporating texture with the basket...yep. Love it all. 

Oh, and I'm thinking this lamp may sneak its way in there too. After thinking I made a mistake not buying it, I sprinted (drove) back to the consignment shop and took it home with me. I needed it. And you know what? I think it needed me. Together at last.

I'm really excited to have a good plan going now. I'll definitely keep you guys updated as I get further along with my room!

PS: Shoot, almost forgot the most important part of the design. I'm going to incorporate my love of whales by hanging several large whale figurines from the ceiling. They'll be the focal point of the room. I'll also most likely be painting a large orca whale mural on my closet doors! Similar to this: 

Still debating on the whale ideas...I don't want to be too cliché and I feel like everyone's been doing those whale murals lately. It's like the new chevron. We'll see. ;) 

* I can't end this post without clarifying: please know that I'm not serious about the whale part! I like whales, but not that much! :) *


Maria M. said...

I love your ideas, Courtney! And I think that when it comes to the whale idea -- you would be doing it out of your love for whales, not just to follow a trend, you know? It's a representation of you and something you love! I can't wait to read more about this. Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

i love your ideas. my room now is a light grey, with white bedding and navy accents. my inspiration was that photo with the stripe rug. i'm trying to save up to get that rug and an upholstered bed.

Tori said...

Really love your the color palates you chose they are very soothing. Looking forward to seeing it all come together!

Anonymous said...

Came across your blog while I was searching for some interior inspiration, and I must say I found loads of it here:) Looking forward to see what your room ends up like.. xo

Melissa said...

Love the ideas you have so far for your room! I found the perfect whale for you =)

I know you weren't serious about the whales but a cute pillow like this might be just the nod to them you want!

Brooke @ Inside-Out Design said...

I love your room ideas! The color pallet is beautiful. Looking forward to seeing the finished room!

Ahka Vintage said...

I like the black and white! And I'm glad you added the disclaimer! Whales are nice - but they are oh so 1996!!

Catherine Fishback said...

Oooh, I love love those colors in the top image. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

Cute blog!

Catherine (your newest follower)
FEST (food, style & travel)

kaila mo said...

love these ideas! i really like the color palette in the first pictures, the pop of coral is wonderfulll and too funny about the whales hahaa

Kelley Gilster said...

Ohh!! I love all those crisp/clean color palettes!! So pretty ;)

Contemplating Beauty said...

i love those color palettes, so unique and fresh. and i think the whales are "too much" ;)

Ambs said...

That shot of the shelving in the kitchen is absolutely beautiful! Definitely saving that photo! :)

KG said...

Make sure to check out Mandi's master bedroom on Vintage Revivals!

Lots of white and navy and coral.

Anonymous said...

I like your bedroom ideas! I think your color choices are elegant and would go well with the bed. I like the pattern on the sheets too because it adds texture and design to the plain white bed.

Felipa Barela