Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Finally...My Summer Announcement!

You know those times where you feel like you have to pinch yourself? Well, I've been pinching myself constantly for the past two days. In the midst of finals I mentioned that I had a big announcement about my summer plans...and finally, here it is!

A few weeks ago I had no idea what I would be doing this summer. I thought I'd probably find a little job and work part time. Little did I know that I would end up with the amazing opportunity to be Kelie Grosso's intern at Maison Luxe

To say that I'm excited about it would be an understatement. I knew that I needed an internship in order to graduate next spring, so I had been on the hunt for one. 

I seriously would have been fine with an entry level internship where I did filing in the back closet of a design firm. That would have been fine. Unfortunate...but fine. But even though I would have been content with that, I couldn't help but dream of myself being in some cool building downtown. And here's why I'm pinching myself. That picture at the top of this post? That's where I'm working. I've been sitting in those white chairs. What? WHAT? Glorious.

You guys, I know it's the best and I've barely begun. 

Maison Luxe is in the coolest space right in downtown Seattle. And Kelie is so sweet. And there's a pile of poufs in the office. A pile of poufs! Can you tell I'm excited?

Deer head...check.

Anthropologie knobs...check. 

I'm so grateful for this opportunity. I'm looking forward to what's in store for this summer and can't wait to show you guys more of what I'm up to!

Hope you're all having a lovely week :)

PS: Don't forget that I sometimes do 'Gather' posts at my mom's blog, The Inspired Room, and I'll also soon begin updating the Maison Luxe blog


Michaela said...

Stop it- everything is so beautiful. I'm living through you this summer!! ;)

GingerMommy said...

Wow I am so excited for you, you seem so happy! Congratulations, you're so sweet, you deserve every good thing that comes your way! :)

Anonymous said...

Wowee! Congratulations! Looks and sounds amazing!



Jillian {Her Split Ends} said...

Congrats! Thats so exiting! can't wait to hear what you are up to this summer!!

~ Jillian

Brooke @ Inside-Out Design said...

No freaking way- I can't imagine working in a space that gorgeous!! It's like heaven!!! I'm so happy for you and I'm thrilled to have found your blog! Can't wait to read along this summer and get all the details of your internship. Congrats!!!

Tiffany Leigh {thedesignerlifestyle} said...

Lucky lucky lady....No wait, not lucky, totally talented and deserving lady! Congratulations girl, you earned it! The space is amazing (those windows and the chevron stools...I'm drooling).

SoSimple said...

Happy dance! Congratulations, so excited for you.

Sunny said...

Congratulations to you!! Remember I told you that I would be living vicariously through you...well it continues! Have a great time and can't wait to see more of what you are doing!

no. said...

Hi!I'm Alice from Italy,you have a very nice blog!
I follow you, do you want to follow me?
Say me what you think about my blog!

Tara {The Silver Lining} said...

Seriously, what a fabulous office space!! I would smile every day just getting to enter that place. BIG congrats to you!!!

Maria M. said...

So many congratulations to you, Courtney! You deserve it!!

Maison Luxe said...

Courtney!! What a great post! I'm thrilled to have you on board...I promise it will be an eventful and fun-filled summer!!

xo -Kelie

chavafor4 said...

Happy for you. Would love to have your expertise when you have more time :)

Unknown said...

Ah! I am drooooling over these pictures!

Tamaras Blend said...

Congratulations, that sounds like an amazing opportunity!


Anonymous said...

Love your blog x


JoAnna of re-U creating new spaces said...

Awesome! I'm in love with their workspace. I LOVE the painted brick - love!

Unknown said...

really beautiful photos and blog!!! i just follow you on Instagram ;)!