Introducing...a precious little cafe called Sleepy Monk.
It's actually located right across from Found
(the antique shop I posted about a few days ago).
I had without a doubt the BEST coffee drink I've ever had there. It was called Druid's Delight. Espresso, steamed milk, caramel sauce, vanilla, and then CHOCOLATE whipped cream.
Whoa. It was. A. Dream.
Isn't it cute though? It was just a quaint, homey little shop...just the kind of place I would love to go study at (if only it wasn't 5 hours away from my school!).
I love the eclectic feel of this cafe. There's just something so special about spaces that feel like they've been created over time, with pieces collected many different places. Really, for me, that's the only way to go with design. A room just doesn't feel right to me if every item is new or is from the same store.'s the last week of classes before Christmas for me here in Seattle! This next week and a half will be filled to the brim with late night studying, essay writing, coffee drinking, drawing, some drawing, oh yeah and also lots of DRAWING.
But the end is in sight! Very soon I will be done for the quarter and have a nice long break to spend at home with my amazing family and friends.
Thank you guys so much for all your support in my very first week of blogging. You have all been so sweet with your comments and emails. I feel very welcome now in Blogland!
Bye for now!